Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A little bit about me

Hi, my name is Paige Bagwell. I am 18, turning 19 at the end of September and I attend Gateway Community and Technical College and I am in my second year. I originally was majoring in Computer Information Technology but the major didn't offer the track I wanted to take which is web design so I re-declared to Graphic Design to complete a certificate in Web Design, then I plan to transfer to Northern Kentucky University and pick back up on Informatics and IT. I graduated from Holmes High School June 8, 2012 21st of my class with honors and I felt pretty accomplished for making it in the top 25 of my class too.

Writing was originally my passion and still is, I always like to write (except when taking class notes, taking notes is boring) But I developed a passion for designing and working on computers as early as 9th grade when I took my first computer hardware and graphic design class and stuck with the classes all through high school. By my senior year of high school I had one AP English class and the rest was graphic communications and IT. I love being able to sit at the computer with earphones in my ears and just let my mind go free and be amazed at what I create or straighten lines and coordinate colors. And over the years I have learned to combine the writing with designing to create some awesome looking journal entries or painting a story. I love being able to do those kinds of things. But while I may like doing that stuff, I do love to work hands on which is where computer hardware and networking came in, I love the challenge of trying to troubleshoot and figure out the problem and the feeling of YAY when I figure it out and fix it. Same thing with webpages, the only part I do not like about web design is the coding. The coding drives me nuts. But other than that I fell in love with these passions early high school.

I love spending time with family, friends and my boyfriend who I have recently become engaged to and we are a very happy couple. But while I may love him dearly my family always comes first. I love just sitting with my mom or my dad with a cup of coffee and just talking about random stuff and school and work. I have a 13 year old sister who is in the 8th grade and I have a 21 year old brother who serves in our country's Army.  My friends mean a lot to me too, I love to meet up with my friends and go hang out at parks or go shopping. I only get to see my boyfriend once or twice a week because we live in two different towns and I go to school full time and work part time, but I always make time for everyone no matter how busy I am.

So the way I look at life, take it a day at a time and love every minute of it and make it worth living for, no matter what life throws at you, finding a way to make a good thing out of the bad is better than being depressed about the bad things in the first place. Smiles :)

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