Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Having a close member of the family serve in the military

I know I am definitely not the only one that knows this feeling. I know there are a lot of families out there that have family members or friends serving in a branch of the military. But, it is not a bad thing at all and I thank all the members of the military for doing what they do to make sure we still have a place to call home. That's more than a noble thing, it's an honorable thing. But, for me personally having a close close family member serving in the Army took it's toll and took some getting used to.

My brother graduated from high school in 2011. We only had that summer left with him but then he got called to boot camp early. We could only communicate with him through writing letters. He was at a boot camp in South Carolina. So he missed my little sister starting middle school and missed a good chunk of my senior year. He did get to come back home on leave for two weeks at the end of November in 2011. He was home for Thanksgiving that year but would not be home for Christmas, which was heart wrenching. It would be so weird not to have Christmas with my brother. My sister and I didn't even put the tree up because it was so unsettling without him there. When he left from leave he was stationed in South Korea... halfway across the world, the only communications we had were phone calls, Skype, and Facebook. And it is still like that today.

The last time he was on leave was at the beginning of January this year and was only home for less than a month. He went back to Korea February of this year. He missed a lot in the past couple years including my little sister making to state semi-finals with marching band and watching me get my diploma in June 2012. A lot of people did not understand why it upset me so much, a lot of people just kept saying there's always Skype, there's always Facebook. I kept telling them it is not the same, you do not Skype a milestone like that. I was there for his graduation, skipped an ACT test to see him walk the stage, he missed my graduation. Which I know it was for a good reason and I always kept telling myself that. But it also got down to me on a personal level.

He hasn't been home for Christmas since Christmas 2010. And ever since then when people ask me what is one thing I would like for Christmas, I would shock them because what I have wanted for Christmas for three years is for my brother to be home on Christmas day to celebrate with us and celebrate with the whole family together. And I may get that this year, I hope so too I miss my brother. But I also know he will come home soon and I am proud that he is making something of himself and beyond. it's a good inspiration too.

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