Sunday, September 22, 2013

A future ahead of me

We all dream of what our future will be like. Will we meet the prince charming? Or becoming a doctor, a lawyer or a police officer. But even at 10 years old to even 16 years old I never pictured my life being as it is today. Going to school full time, working part time, engaged to someone and not yet 19, I turn 19 a week from now. But I am not complaining, I really would not have it any other way.

When I was 15,16 and 17 years old, I never pictured my life like this. Now granted that is all only a few years ago that is still a huge difference from today. But at those ages I remembered the only important things were buying a dress for prom and the homecoming dance, getting enough sleep or caffeine in me or turning in AP homework on time and when the next hangout with my friends was going to be. Yeah, like high school goes you have your crushes and your flings and anything else that would make it worth remembering but once I graduated high school June 8, 2012. That all changed for me.

I graduated high school and started college at the age of 17 which was a bit of a mental challenge for me. At the time I wasn't working, it was my first semester of college I wanted to see if I could stick it out first. I turned 18 half way through the semester and I have to say really the only thing that is different from high school is no more getting up at 6 am every morning :) But I also noticed how much more responsibility I had to manage such as managing time for family and friends and how much studying to do every night to make sure I had an adequate amount of sleep. Once I got through my first year of college for the 2012-2013 academic year I figured I would take the summer off and try to find a part time job. Which I did, four days before school started as a janitor at Fidelity Investments which I still hold the job now and started the fall 2013 semester. Just recently a week ago my boyfriend of 10 months, but whom I have known and fallen for, for three years got down on his knee and asked me to marry him.

So the difference of when I was 16 and now a week away from 19 is pretty big. I am managing school work, projects, a part time job, time with family, friends and my fiance and sometime down the road learning how to manage finances. 3 years ago I never imagined my life being like this, but like I said I would not have it any other way or trade any of it. I talk with some of my high school friends and their lives have completely changed too. I know right now I am only in stepping stones with entering the real world but future looks bright and I think as long as I keep working hard and keep the grades and save the money. Things will definitely look up brighter than they already seem. :)

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