Tuesday, September 17, 2013

New Hope and a Ring

I never thought in high school to be the one to find someone special in my life that would inspire me so outside of my own family. I never thought that I would be that kind of person at all just because well through high school it never really worked out for me. But this sort of changed when I reached the 10th grade my perspective on anything and everything changed that year on April 4, 2010.

I was 16 reaching the end of my sophomore year in high school. I had just started spring break and my dad took my sister and I to our grandparents down in Williamstown to go four wheeling on the property. My brother was already down there. I went and said hi to my grandparents and hung out before my dad said we could ride around on the four wheeler, he asked the people who own property behind my grandparents house if it was alright if we rode back there, which we could we just had to be careful because they were mowing the grass. There was already someone back there on a four wheeler. An 18 year old, my sister and I rode back there and I acknowledged that he was there but didn't think too much of it. Well about a half hour into riding I ran over a pretty good size tree limb because the area is surrounded by trees, I lost control of the ATV and got flung off into some bushes with my sister on the back riding down the hill, I didn't even realize how hurt I was I went after the quad which was stopped by two trees. I got her off and my dad came and got the four wheeler so it could be fixed and rode again. The 18 year old, my dad, and my aunt all came to make sure we were okay. That's when I first talked to the 18 year old, he told me to call him JJ. He didn't leave my side after that and I could not figure out why. He walked back with my dad and I to examine the quad and my injuries which I cut my right leg, messed my left knee up and had a bruise on my face but other than that I was okay and my sister only had a scratch on her arm. The rest of that day I went four wheeling on the back of JJ's quad while my brother rode on the other quad and I got to know him a little bit. Think the first compliment he gave me was "my god you have beautiful eyes and a gorgeous smile." I don't remember much from that day other than we forgot to exchange numbers to keep in touch. He was getting ready to graduate high school at the time. But I remembered a bright smile in sunlight/.

After that day I remember always going back to that property to see if he was there, which majority of the time he wasn't. It wasn't up until the end of spring break my senior year in April 2012 when I was back down at my grandparent's house to help paint the gutters and the roof that I saw him again. I came back from Kelley Bruce's which is just a little market down the street from my grandparent's house. with gloves on ready to work again when my dad called out to me, "Hey Paige! Do you remember that kid that helped you from your wreck?" I responded, "Yes? I think?" next thing I know there he is, I just kind of froze for a minute and thought, there he is, someone I never thought I would see again, two years later. "Hi, Paige remember me?" he said. "Yes, I do, it's been a while" I remember that day dying to get his number to communicate and hoping he would remember everything, and he did. He very much did. After that day we hung out here and there, I graduated high school and started college in August 2012, I was with someone else and had been for a while, but was getting really fed up with the person. So in October 2012 I broke it off with that person and finished out the semester. JJ and I got together December 8, 2012.

Since then, we had confided in each other, we have grown to have affection for each other. And I never get tired of being around him. He inspires me to work harder in school, at my job or just being myself. He gives me motivation to get up every morning and get done with what I need to get done. He is everything to me, and I never thought I would be the kind of person to feel this way but I do. And just recently on September 14 he got down on his one knee, and he proposed to me, the ring is an early birthday present because I turn 19 in a week and a half but the proposal was the surprise. I am more than happy to be this man's fiance. who would have known that by a four wheeler wreck I would be with this man today? they say everything happens for a reason and I guess he's the reason. But, he loves the fact that I go to school, and I work. But I have grown to have such a mature bond with him that when people ask me what I am working towards I always say, "I am working towards a bright future yes, but it's not just my future, it's mine and his." and I stick to that. Whenever I started to cry or feel down about myself, or having the urge that strong urge that I couldn't do it anymore, he told me to never give up because he never did. I honestly thank him for being there for me as a friend and as my fiance now. If he hadn't helped me with myself and that strong urge to just give up on everything I would not be where I am at now. I do pray every night and hope to god that this does pull through because I would be lifeless without him. He is my best friend, my true love, my angel, my everything.

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