Sunday, September 8, 2013

High School Memories

I don't think there is a day that goes by that I do not reflect back on my high school career. People always said make your high school years worth it because you will miss it when you are out and graduated and these people were always right. I definitely don't miss getting up at 6 am but I do miss the programs I was involved in and how it made me into the person I am today. Although of all the programs I did I think the three I miss the most are SkillsUSA, Freedom Writer's and STLP (Student Technology Leadership Program). Mainly because those three programs set the foundations for the long term goals I have. Started pretty early too, 9th grade.

I started participating in my high school's STLP before the other two. Which was a technical leadership program and what we did was stay after school for about an hour or two and design and complete projects through the use of technology. I was very fascinated by this because this gave me an opportunity to expand my mind and see what I could really accomplish beyond the classroom (although we worked on projects in the classroom that's beside the point) And I remember in May 2009 I went to the state competition just to observe and see if I would like the program. The competition was held in Lexington, Kentucky at Rupp Arena and Lexington Convention Center. And seeing some of the projects that kids as young as elementary school came up with gave me the inspiration to stay in the program to see what I could come up with. So through the rest of high school 10-12th grade I stayed in the program and competed both regionally and state level with showcase projects and this started my passion for designing web pages too because a lot of the projects involved web design and designing tri-fold posters. Here is a picture to kind of give an idea of the projects we would work on. This one would be what myself and my teammates made for the 2011 regional showcase.

Freedom Writer's came next because I helped create the program at my high school. As much as I love computers and designing writing was and remains my original passion. I like the idea of creating a story and having it documented for my entertainment or whenever I get a book published or finish a piece, hope that the idea fascinates someone else too. With the help of two friends, my 9th grade English teacher and approval from the principal the club was created in April 2009 and we called it the Freedom Writer's Club. The idea of the club was for young writers to come in and write in a good calm atmosphere and they would not be judged for anything. We have had quite a few people come in and out of the club sharing their talents and I just find that so interesting that people share the same talent as I or find someone else that shares that talent too.

My junior and senior year I joined a vocational program called SkillsUSA. I participated in both leadership and hands on workshops and competitions in this program which developed my passion even further and more in depth in web design. I also held two positions in those two years on the local executive council. My junior year I was the parliamentarian and then senior year I was the vice president. I fell in love with this program almost immediately. It helped strengthen my vocational and leadership skills. The chapter council not only organized fundraisers and such but also had to practice over and over an opening and closing ceremony which was a tedious task but it was also fun to do. I attended the 2010 and 2011 KLTI ( Kentucky Leadership Training Institute) along with the rest of my council which was three days in Louisville teaching us leadership skills and council skills. Then competed both regional and state level in 2011 and 2012. I never made it to nationals but the experience was good enough for me. It took a lot of hard work but it was so worth it, getting to meet new people and see new things and strengthen my vocational area that was good enough for me. But for meetings and certain competitions we had to dress professionally. For the females the dress attire was black dress shoes, black dress socks, black dress pants, white dress shirt, and a red SkillsUSA blazer. Very professional looking.
But these three programs made me decide what I wanted to go to college for and why I am studying what I am today. I still go back and help out any way I can to contribute back.

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