Monday, October 28, 2013

My daily inspirations.

I have 3 inspirations in life, family, music, and my fiancé. My family means everything and is everything to me, my family has helped me through everything from supporting me getting through college to recently being engaged. My family has held my hand through all the hard times, told me I would be okay and of course made me smile and laugh. I don't know where I would be without my mom, dad, grandmother, brother and sister. They all mean the world to me in so many ways. My sister impresses me everyday with doing what she does in her high school band class and her grades, my brother he serves in our Army, definitely something to be proud of. And, I am thankful, more than thankful to have such hardworking parents to make sure we have a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs and a bed to sleep in every night (or in my case I prefer a couch)

Music, no I don't make my own music and I don't major in music. Just listening to music gives me an inspiration to make my life more meaningful and beautiful. Music is life, without music there would be no emotion. I listen to all kinds of music, metal, heavy metal, hard rock, classic rock and symphony orchestra. Weird combination I know but each of these genres paint a mental image, story almost in my head that could give me an idea for anything (now if only it could do that for general education assignments). But anything I do, whether I'm at work or doing homework or even just bored shopping or sitting and thinking I always have music.

My fiancé James, (JJ) definitely inspires me to get through the day on a whole new aspect. When he was 9 years old he got hit by a car. That accident changed his life permanently, I can't imagine someone going through that kind of pain at that young of an age, he was told he wouldn't be able to speak again, or walk again but he proved it all wrong he can speak clearly, he can walk and he is so intelligent, he outsmarts me a lot in life to life discussions and conversations, then when he turned 16 he lost his father, that... that I just cannot imagine losing my father at that age when you need your parents most. He does talk about his father a lot and that is expected. This man has been through so much in his life but what inspires me and makes me love him so much more is that someone who has dealt with so much pain in life can still wake up and smile and laugh and move forward in life, he is definitely my angel and definitely brightens my day :) I look up to him as another role model in my life, another reason to be alive and to enjoy life because if someone can go through that much pain in life and work so hard to get back to normal and work harder to make their life better that means I am just as capable of doing the same, he always encourages me to never give up and to keep my head up and keep working harder everyday.

I don't have a favorite out of these 3, but they all mean the world to me and I would not trade any of them for anything, they all are just my world and make my life worth living for and I am looking forward to what the future has in store and what I can make of it as the future comes my way. :)
My fiancé and I :)
April 2013 
Myself, my mom, my sister, my dad and my brother
Summer 2011
my sister, brother and I :)
Summer 2011 

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